Coming from a protestant background, we aren’t very “big” on the Saints. Although I’ve heard about them, sung about them at school and learn more about them as I’ve got older I can’t say I’ve ever really considered them in a religious aspect. Even though I’m a Christian. Well this week has changed all that! The 6th of December here is a big holiday. It’s Saint Nicholas‘s Day.
This is an Orthodox Country
This is an Orthodox country and much more religious than England. Church teachings, religious holidays, and traditions play a big part in the lives of the people here. Saint Nicholas Day is no exception. The Day is actually a major holiday in our local town of Burgas. Saint Nicholas. is of course the patron saint of sailors and merchants and Burgas is a seaport.
The Origins of Saint Nicholas Day
Saint Nicholas was a real person and there is historic evidence pertaining to his life and death. his death was actually on the 6th of December – hence this is the day he is celebrated.
Saint Nicholas was born in the fourth century A.D. to a wealthy family in a Turkish province we now know as Antalya. It is understood that his parents were merchants. Saint Nicholas‘s parents died when he was quite young (maybe in his late teens) leaving him a large fortune. Speculation has it that his parents died from a plague or epidemic of some kind.
Saint Nicholas’ parents were Christians in the early church. We know that Saint Paul the apostle set up a church in this vicinity on one of his missionary journeys.
Saint Nicholas became renowned for his immense generosity. There are various stories pertaining to his generosity the most noteworthy of which pertains to a local businessman who fell on hard times. Saint Nicholas threw bags of money through an open window and people think that maybe the money landed in some shoes. People believe that this is where the connection began with Santa Clause. Santa means Saint and Clause is an abbreviation for Nicholas. Santa Claus leaves money and presents in our shoes or stockings.😊
Three daughters and three bags of gold coins
The businessman lost everything and his three daughters were unable to marry. In those days a woman had to have a dowry if she wished to marry. Apparently, the father of these three girls even considered Slavery or prostitution as a means for them to survive.
The story goes that when Saint Nicholas heard of the family’s plight, he threw a bag full of gold coins through an open window one night. The father was so grateful and use the money as a dowry for one of his daughters. When Saint Nicholas saw what the father had done and how grateful the family wear, he returned later with another bag of coins. The second daughter was married.
The girls father determined that if the benefactor returned a third time he would find out who he was. When he heard the third bag of coins coming through the window, he ran outside and accosted Nicholas. Nicholas admonished that the father did not tell anyone of his generosity, but obviously this man did or we would not now know this story.
An interesting fact is the effect that this story has had on our cultural heritage. To this day, porn brokers hang three golden orbs in their shop fronts. Apparently this is in reference to the three bags of gold.
Saint Nicholas the Bishop
After becoming a bishop, a wave of persecution hit the Christian Church where Nicholas was in office. He was thrown into prison for 10 years. Churches and cathedrals were burnt as were the holy Scriptures. The Romans sought to crush Christianity for good. The persecution was intense, especially in the area of Turkey.
Then a miracle occurred – Constantine, the Emperor of Rome became a Christian. He issued an edit to legalise Christianity and even favoured Christianity as a religion. Saint Nicholas was released from prison and allowed to go about his duties.
Christian churches were built, Christian art took on a much more prestigious complexion, and theological texts were produced – still believe to be the most prestigious in this genre. Christian bishops also became men of influence in the community. Nicholas made full use of his position by fighting injustices. There is evidence of him saving the lives of three innocent men from documentation of this time.
We also believe that Nicholas took part in the Council of Nicea There is also mention of Nicholas appearing before Emperor Constantine himself to request a lowering of the taxes for his region.
Saint Nicolas Day Persists
Saint Nicholas Day still persist as a major holiday and celebration across the world. Particularly in those countries were the orthodox faith is practiced. There are also some wonderful resources available pertaining to the historic figure. This is an excellent video if anyone is interested in learning more about the true story of Saint Nicholas and this website is also invaluable.
learning the truth about Santa Claus
After enjoying Saint Nicholas Day here in our nearest town of Burgas, and seeing the prominence that this saint was afforded I decided to do my own research. I was enthralled by the story. I had always thought that Santa Claus was a byproduct of the famous Coca-Cola advertising campaign! Though I had heard about Saint Nicholas and knew that he had links with Christmas I had never really understood the full history.
Realising now that the father Christmas narrative has risen as a direct result of Saint Nicholas‘s generosity I find this a much more palatable part of Christmas. Sadly in the West this figure has been turned into a commercialised, secular individual. But not so here in my new country. Here he is still revered and celebrated as a good man who did good works and followed the teachings of Jesus Christ. This depiction of Santa Claus is a much more wholesome and worthy representation and one that I I’m really happy to have discovered.😊 it could also help explain why the Bulgarians are much less materialistic when it comes to Christmas.
A alking tour of the city of Burgas on Saint Nicholas Day